Brian: You want to be an IRONMAN...

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"Brian: you want to be an ironman. Part of being an ironman is effectively dealing with injury and being smart while injured no matter how much you want to get out there. Go for a walk. Stay off the bike until bone is fully healed unless you are on a stationary bike."

That was the message I received from a friend, Chris M. She was setting me straight about being patient in the recovery of my wrist. I was feeling down this past weekend and wanted to get out on my bike even if it meant only going slowly only a couple hundred feet or yards.

I have got to get over this pity party. It's more of a frustration party.

M1 said last night after reading my blog: "That's kind of sad that your first post was about what you want to do and then the next post was about the bike crash and breaking your wrist."

She is correct. It's extremely frustrating, but when things happen you need to change the schedule/plans and do what is the new reality.  There's been another fun occurrence but I can't let it get in the way. Poison ivy. It's not contagious. Just plain annoying and ugly.

Tonight, I go after work and get on the treadmill!!! I NEED to get back on my modified, broken wrist plan. Yes, HK will be with me.

To put the picture at the top into my own words...Today is today. I can't dwell on the past. I can't worry about the future. Get done what you need to do TODAY and get yourself on the road to where you want to be.

I need to show the children at Children's Hospital Los Angeles that people with CAH can do what they set their minds to, but that it takes work and planning to get there.

The below is the original post that was going to be just another "Whoa is me!" story.

Training should never be so difficult to get done. Actually, the training isn't. The part that is difficult would be that the trainee keeps having issues arise.

Two weeks ago was the broken wrist. To review what happened. There is no need to review that incident. The wrist is still in a cast. Yay wrist!

A new twist happened in the last week. Starting last Tuesday I had an area on my right shin that I believed had three bug bites. Then blister-type bumps began showing up. This was most unusual.

A couple days later the area where I had a bruise from the crash started itching. I mean, a really bad itch! A little cortisone cream helped.

This went on for a few days. Then Monday morning, much to Merrill's surprise, I made an appointment with the dermatologist. I could not take anymore. Hello Kitty joined me for the trip to the doctor's office. Michael Asbury, PA-C, came into the room, took one quick look at the affected areas while I was explaining what had been going on and said right away, "You have poison ivy! Did you fall into some bushes when you crashed?"

Me: "No, flat onto a wooden bridge. Plus, that was more than week before the symptoms showed up. I have no clue where I could have gotten it!"

The PA showed me the telltale signs of poison ivy - the blister-like bumps, areas where you scratched that have the line where the finger nail went and the spread of it to where you have scratched the skin. I have been prescribed an oral and topical steroid. They did start working rather quickly!!!!! It's still ugly looking.


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