90 Days...
3 months...
April 26...
The London Marathon is fast approaching. Maybe it is approaching too fast.
My training is on point! That is the great news. I know that I can do 26.2 miles/42.2 kilometers "easily." So, getting to the end is not a concern.
My dosing with hydrocortisone is not a concern. I know that even if I find there needs to be some adjustments I can do that.
Fueling is spot on with my INFINIT Nutrition. I have found that watermelon flavor is perfect. That is a change from the fruit punch that I have used for years.
What is a concern? Funding.
When I began this crazy journey last year during the summer, I knew that it would be difficult to raise the funds for my charity entry with St. John Ambulance and getting the funds to get over to London. I truly believed that I could get the support needed.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to do that. There have been some generous donors who have supported me. I am forever grateful for that support.
The only thing I have been able to get towards the trip is my passport.
Where does this leave me?
I have no airfare, no hotel, no funding for St. John Ambulance and no funding for while I am there.
I feel like lately I have been begging for donations on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This is not who the Adrenal Insufficient Warrior Athlete is meant to be.
I have not enjoyed posting. I feel like my posts have not been inspirational and supportive.
Where does this leave me? I am not giving up on the goal of making it to London. I am looking forward to meeting the fellow Warriors, parents and family members who are there. That part is all so very exciting.
No matter what happens, I am still going to make my donation to St. John Ambulance. They believed in me and what I can do!
I have two fundraising pages. My GoFundMe page is to help with all London Marathon expenses. The JustGiving page is specifically to donate to St. John Ambulance, the charity that I am running for at the marathon and that has generously allowed me to get an entry into the London Marathon.
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Share the links with anyone you know that may want to help.
It is a blessing to have all of you who follow the adventures of the Adrenal Insufficient Warrior Athlete!
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