On a shoestring budget...but the shoestring is broken

When I set out on my journey that I began around my 48th birthday (read this goo.gl/8hA9pg), I had some sort of idea what it would entail.  I knew that there is a registration fee for IRONMAN 70.3 Raleigh. That I did know! It's not that I was ignorant of cost, fees, and equipment that needed to be purchased. Far from ignorant. It just wasn't a reality quite yet, so I stayed calm.

The calm is slowly fading away. No panic, yet, but reality is coming to the surface. I started making a list of "things" I will need for training and competition to achieve my first goal by my 49th birthday.

Here is that list. I know it is not even close to be a full list.
This list made me realize, as I said to someone last night..."I am working on a shoestring budget...but the shoestring is broken."

Earlier in the week, I had on a whim applied to be part of an apparel company's racing team. This was the first time I did something like this, but I figured, "Why not?" I have a good story. I have established goals for 2017 and 2018. I would be a good representative for the company and the team. I am loyal to those who support me. Yet, in the back of my mind I was thinking, "I am not a 'true' athlete, triathlete, etc. I am an average guy with a crazy goal, but that is about it. I've done only one triathlon and I finished dead last, but am very proud of myself. Why would someone take the chance on me?"

Well, I found out someone would take a chance on me. I was chosen to be a team member.  As I read through the requirements of what was expected of me, I came to realize that unfortunately, I would not be able to fulfill those expectations.  It was disappointing, but you know what? I guess my story and goals and commitment are good.

I sent an email saying that I was extremely honored to be chosen, but I would not be able to fulfill those requirements. I was sad, but very proud. The person who sent the email to me replied back and said that he understood and that "Everyone has a different journey and being respectful of time and place is a key thing for me, and that being said, ultimately want things to line up best with what path you are currently traveling on." How cool is that?!?! He offered up a different opportunity which I applied for and am awaiting the answer. I will now be loyal to this company because the time was taken to give a personal reply. That does not always happen in this day and age of automatic replies and impersonal customer service. Thank you, Jeff Fairbanks! (Instagram @thetriumphproject and @lovethepain_official)

So, as I sit here editing a sponsorship proposal letter that I have someone helping me write, I am truly grateful for the life I have, the opportunities ahead of me and the possibilities that await.

I look forward to a time when the shoelace is compete and there are no worries over how I will fund myself through my journey to my 49th and 50th birthdays. I will get to that point. I have no doubt about it.

In the application process, I was asked what motivates and inspires me? That was a simple answer and is why I keep going. It is the other children and families that are learning how to live with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. It is showing them that even at 48 with CAH, I am capable of pushing my body (SAFELY) to do the things I want to do. When I go out at the beginning of November to California for the Endocrine/Adrenal Family Weekend I will get to meet and speak with some of these people in person. It will be the first time in my 48 years that I will get to meet someone else with CAH.


If you could help, no amount is too small, please visit: Go Fund Me.
