A dog, buffalo, tigers and most importantly FOOD take me out of 2016 and into 2017

Yes, that is Hello Kitty with a buffalo. No, it is not strange. It isn't if you have followed me.

After Christmas, at 4:40 a.m. on Dec. 26 (that is really early when you're on vacation by the way), Merrill, Gloria and myself loaded up the Toyota Sienna van (see how I did the product placement LOL) with our bags, clothes and running, and Cookie (the dog). Cookie was headed to my Dad and Julie's house for a short vacation of her own. The three humans were headed to Memphis, Tennessee, for about five days with Merrill's mom and dad.
Where are we going???
Even though the trip was for pleasure,  I didn't slack off and still IRONMAN trained.

Since I could write much about each picture (stop the whining) and you would get bored, I will only do captions for each picture. It will be a visual blog post.
Can't stop training because you're on vacation.
Hello Kitty was wiped out afterwards.
Thank you Holiday Inn for having a fitness room.
Although the equipment may have been 10 years old.
Buffalo/Bison, whatever you call them, at Shelby Farms Park!
Hello Kitty got excited about all of the shirts
 at packet pickup for the Starry 4K.
Hello Kitty was excited when she saw the bicycle riding snowman.
She thought there may have been a triathlon going on.
It was one of the decorations along the route of the Starry 4K.
This doesn't really need any description.
I will write about this picture. Merrill's mom, Anne, joined us for the Starry 4K at Shelby Farms. We agreed that we stay with her. Merrill, Gloria and I did just that. There were times that Anne lagged behind, but we would wait and she'd catch up. At one point we walked right by where the car was parked and offered to give her the keys to sit and wait for us to come. "No, I'm going to finish!" And, she did. And, wasn't last!!!!! Now, maybe she will do another one. :)

The Food Journey
Central BBQ. Yum!
Pulled pork, collard green and pork rinds (first ever to eat those).
I am happy because I am getting classic
Memphis BBQ.
Memphis Pizza Cafe. Hello Kitty tried sneaking a drink of my beer.
Brother Juniper's for breakfast. The benedict
 was delicious with biscuit, sausage, egg and hollandaise sauce.
The cheese grits were unlike any I'd had before.
There was garlic in them. Anything with garlic is better!
Hello Kitty the tourist
Hello Kitty had a little free time to play tourist around Memphis. This is in front of Sun Studio.
 It is where Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis got their starts.
 If you have the chance to take the tour DO IT! Molly loved it last year.
Ramesses at University of Memphis. Hello Kitty couldn't believe how tall this statue is.
Around the campus of University of Memphis are tiger statues that were painted by a variety of groups, people and college departments. Hello Kitty had to have her picture taken with many of them. Merrill and I got a little tired of the picture taking because we were on a power walk for training. Our pace was terrible, but we had fun.

The fire hydrants were tiger striped.
The drive home began.
This below picture is one of my best pictures with way I edited it. I believe this quote sums it up: ...The one (road) less traveled by..." - Robert Frost. For me it perfectly describes my 2017 journey. The road I am traveling is very less traveled by. In fact, for me I have never traveled it.

Robert Frost
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