Reality, version XX.xx.XX

7 months + 2 days!

A bit of reality has begun to overwhelm me about what I am doing. It is on par with what happened during Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) training, but I believe it has come much, much earlier this time.

MCM was a dream-like event. It wasn't fathomable that I could accomplish 26.2 miles, but I had been running, so it was building that base to the point where I could finish. Plus, it was a location race, family event and all-around fun time because it was Washington, D.C.

The magnitude (yep, big word moment. I promise not to have too many of those) of training for IRONMAN 70.3 Augusta is beginning to get wrapped around my tiny little brain and say, "Hello, you are training for something that is a BEAST!" It is more than just running. Add in swimming and biking. Oh, it's not just those two additional events. It is organizing them, figuring out fueling and hydration for all three. It is the planning of my days, weekdays and weekends, with Merrill and the family. Last week I was on the phone with INFINIT Nutrition to come up "Brian's RUN Blend" and Brian's BIKE Blend". I got a bag of the run blend. It seems like a good blend, but how do I know? Will there be a magic light that will say, "NOPE this isn't right?" That is only one aspect of hydration and fueling I have worked on.

Yesterday, Feb. 21, I looked at some pictures from Augusta on the IRONMAN website. Panic overcame me. I can't explain it. I guess it was the reality of seeing people participating in the event just struck me. I wasn't panicking about doing it. Maybe a little bit I was afraid of everything that it will take to get there and then everything it will take to finish.

My training plan has been juggled, things switched, but overall I have kept to the plan more than I have any other time I have trained for something. Today, my body is feeling it. It is achy. I can't use that as an excuse to not train tonight. If anything, I need to push myself more.

There have also been some emails, phone calls and conversations with some companies, but nothing ahs really come of it and that is completely okay. It is all a journey.

I am sure all of the feelings I am having are completely normal. And, I am sure there will be more moments of being overwhelmed.

The saying that Merrill used while I was doing my first event keeps coming back to me...
"He's just stubborn like that!" Yes, I am and that will get me through the next 7 months..

To everyone else that is training for their events, good luck and keep at it! We are all going to get this done.

If you could help, any amount is not too small, please visit: Go Fund Me.
