Bringing hope and belief to the world of CAH

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is not limited to age, sex, and especially location.  The past couple of days have proven to me, thankfully, that I am making a difference in my goal of providing hope and belief to families of children with CAH.

When I post a picture on Instagram I receive the likes from a variety of people, mainly those in the triathlon world. Every so often I receive a comment. The comment is usually something that says, "Way to go!" or "Keep up the good work!"

Those are the comments I would ordinarily receive until the other day. To say I was stunned is an understatement. It took the breath out of me and brought some moisture to my eyes. Nope, no tears, only moisture.  I showed it to Merrill and all she could say was, "Wow!"
This was a comment on one of my posts that had Hello Kitty in it. It wasn't related to CAH. It was about rehydrating and not being able to finish a run. Not exactly a post that I thought would get that comment. Somehow this person found me. You can call it whatever you want, but I would just say it is amazing. I can imagine my parents when I was turning one-years old hoping for someone to help them believe in a normal life.

So, being the social person that I am, I posted this on Instagram saying:
This message I received the other day is why I am doing what I am doing. It's all about bringing hope, raising awareness and advocating for those with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and their families. It is a journey and if I can get someone to believe, then I have done my job. I am so humbled that triathlon training for this average man can provide so much hope. I have Children's Hospital Los Angeles CAH Clinic to thank for believing in me!

I imagined that would be the end of it, but as only my life goes I received a message from Russia. I told the person that I hadn't heard of or met anyone with CAH until this past summer. It took me 48 years.
And then this one:
By my estimate, I have around 8 families, and want more, that follow me on Instagram who have CAH. I have been blown away by the comments. When you set out to do something, you hope that there will be people paying attention. I do feel that every view of my blog and every view of a picture about my training or life on Instagram is one more opportunity to raise awareness of CAH, advocate for CAH and bring hope to families with CAH. This week has proven that I really am doing that.

Now I know that I am not doing this alone. Join the journey.


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